• 12100 Cuneo (CN), Via Bra 77
R&S e progetti di ricerca

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

V.A. Papillo, M. Arlorio, M. Locatelli, L. Fuso, N. Pellegrini, V. Fogliano. In vitro evaluation of gastro-intestinal digestion and colonic biotransformation of curcuminoids considering different formulations and food matrices. Journal of Functional Foods 59 (2019), 156–163.


V. Alessandria, K. Rantsiou, M.C. Cavallero, L. Simone Cocolin. Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (APP) on Listeria monocytogenes attached to abiotic surfaces. Journal of Food Protection, 82:2 (2019), 233-237.


N. Belc, I. Smeu, A. Macri, D. Vallauri. “Reformulating foods to meet current scientific knowledge about salt, sugar, fats”. Trends in Food Science & Technology 84 (2019), 25-28.


C. Botta, I. Ferrocino, M.C. Cavallero, S. Riva, M. Giordano. Potentially active spoilage bacteria community during the storage of vacuum packaged beefsteaks treated with aqueous ozone and electrolyzed water. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 266 (2018), 337–345.


I. Siciliano, D. Spadaro, A. Prelle, D. Vallauri, M.C. Cavallero, A. Garibaldi, M.L. Gullino. Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma to Detoxify Hazelnuts from Aflatoxins, Toxins, 8 (125) (2016), 125-134.


L.C. Capozzi, M. Bazzano, M.C. Cavallero, C. Barolo, R. Buscaino, A. Ferri, M. Sangermano, D. Vallauri, R. Pisano. Polymeric Supports for Controlled Release of Ethylene for Food Industry, International Polymer Processing, 31 (5) (2016), 570-576.


I. Siciliano, M.C. Cavallero, D. Vallauri, D. Spadaro, A. Garibaldi, M.L. Gullino. (2016) Efficacia del trattamento con plasma freddo a pressione atmosferica nella detossificazione di nocciole da aflatossine. Protezione delle Colture 9 (2), 75.


D. Spadaro, A. Prelle, I. Siciliano, M.C. Cavallero, D. Vallauri, A. Garibaldi, M.L. Gullino. (2015) Efficacy of cold plasma in the reduction of aflatoxins on hazelnuts. Journal of Plant Pathology 97 (4), S23.


G. Zeppa, S. Belviso, M. Bertolino, M.C. Cavallero, B. Dal Bello, D. Ghirardello, M. Giordano, M. Giorgis, A. Grosso, L. Rolle, V. Gerbi. The effect of hazelnut roasted skin from different cultivars on the quality attributes, polyphenol content and texture of fresh egg pasta, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (8) (2015), 1678–1688.


D. Spadaro, A. Prelle, M.C. Cavallero, D. Vallauri, M.L. Gullino, A. Garibaldi. (2014) Impiego di plasma a freddo e ozono per la decontaminazione di nocciole da aflatossine e di grano da deossinivalenolo. Protezione delle Colture 7 (2), 83.


C. Pignata, D. D’Angelo, D. Basso, M.C. Cavallero, S. Beneventi, D. Tartaro, V. Meineri, G. Gili. Low-temperature, low-pressure gas plasma application on Aspergillus brasiliensis, Escherichia coli and pistachios. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 116 (2014), 1137–1148.


S. Belviso, D. Ghirardello, K. Rantsiou, M. Giordano, M. Bertolino, D. Borgogna, M.C. Cavallero, B. Dal Bello, C. Cena, L. Rolle, G. Zeppa, V Gerbi. Phytochemical and microbiological stability of spent espresso coffee grounds in capsules, Food Research International, 61 (2014), 93–99. 13.


Partecipazioni a convegni


M. Bordiga, J.D. Coisson, F. Travaglia, M. Locatelli, C. Rossini, C. Leonardi, D. Vallauri, T. Wortelmann, M. Arlorio. Migration from recycled plastic materials: HS-GC-IMS as rapid method to assess food quality. 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2022), September 6–9, 2022 - Prague, Czech Republic.


C. Carboni, C. Botta, I. Ferrocino, M.C. Cavallero, S. Riva, L. Cocolin, K. Rantsiou. Ozonisation of meat processing environments acts on microbiota that survives after cleaning: a promising disinfection synergism. 24th IOA World Congress & Exhibition on Ozone and Advanced Oxidation, Nice – 20-25 October 2019. ISBN 979-10-92607-05-5.


C. Botta, I. Ferrocino, M.C. Cavallero, D. Sconfienza, L. Cocolin, K. Rantsiou. Antimicrobial effectiveness of ozone in red meat processing plants and its impact on cross-contamination dynamics. 5th International Conference on Microbial Diversity 2019, Catania – 25-27 September 2019.


C. Botta, I. Ferrocino, M.C. Cavallero, S. Riva, L. Cocolin, K. Rantsiou. RNA-based surveillance of meat processing enviroments revealed selective pressure of gaseous ozone on abbattoir microbiota. European Symposium on Food Protection, Nantes – 24-26 April 2019.


V. Alessandria, K. Rantsiou, M.C. Cavallero, S. Riva, L. Cocolin. Microbial consortia in meat processing environments. 59th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON2017, Zlatibor 1-4 October 2017. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 85(1):012017.


M. Casale, P. Olivieri, M.C. Casolino, M.C. Cavallero, D. Toselli, N. Sitta, M. Zotti. NIR spectroscopy: a versatile technique for solving different problems. 7° Simposio di Spettroscopia NIR, Milano, 12-14 Ottobre 2016.


V. Alessandria, K. Rantsiou, D. Toselli, M.C. Cavallero, S. Riva, L. Cocolin. Microbial consortia in meat processing environment. Symposium on Food Safety, Athens, 11-13 May 2016.


V. Alessandria, K. Rantsiou, M.C. Cavallero, D. Toselli, L. Cocolin. Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (APP) on the Vitality of Listeria monocytogenes Organized In biofilm. How dead is dead, Zurich, 21-22 May 2015.


V. Alessandria, M.C. Cavallero, K. Rantsiou, D. Toselli, D. Vallauri, L. Cocolin. Influence of atmospheric Pressure Plasma (APP) on Biofilm produced by Listeria monocytogenes. European Symposium on Food Safety, Cardiff, 20-22 April 2015.


C. Tortia; P. Barge; P. Gay; V. Merlino; S. Serale; C. Gandini. Key technological factors for successful RFID systems application in food supply chain management, International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - CIGR Ageng Valencia (2012).

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April 2026

Il Polo AGRIFOOD opera a supporto dell'innovazione e della competitività del settore agroalimentare mettendo in rete la conoscenza di PMI, start up innovatrici, grandi imprese ed enti di ricerca operanti nei principali settori del comparto agroalimentare piemontese.